Audio Sampler is a quick 'n dirty tool to generate sounds from manipulating and combining variations in sinusoidal waves. In some ways it aims to become a sound synthesizer; however it lacks many filters and tools used in professional packages. As such, it's mostly for experimentation and personal entertainment.
In time, I hope to add more filters and tools to generate a robust set of sounds.
The GUI is pretty limited right now, so I'll explain here how to use it.
The top menu bar (from left to right)
1) New: Create a new project
2) Open: Open an existing project.
3) Save Project: Saves a project (in XML format).
4) Save Wav: Saves a 16bit wav file to disk.
5) Add Oscillator. Creates a new oscillator to generate a tone.
6) Loop: Enable or disable audio Playback looping.
7) Play: Play / Loop the current project.
8) Stop: Stop the playback.
9) Project Name: Specify the name of the project.
- Create as many oscillators as your want
- Create Sin, Triangle, Sawtooth, or Square waves
- Adjust Frequency, amplitude, phase, and more
- Apply enveloping with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Hold, and Release settings
- Apply carrier wave adjustments such as AM, FM, or PM
- Output sound files in high quality 16-bit WAV format.